Webinar: How to Improve Quality of Life with Sensory Enrichment Therapy at Home

Date: Tuesday, 30th November
Time: 8 – 9 PM (Eastern)
Click here to check your timezone

Note: This is a LIVE ONLY Webinar. No recording. At the end of the webinar we will send you the slides, links to resources and coupon codes to access courses and programs.

What is Sensory Enrichment Therapy?

Sensory Enrichment Therapy is a new evidence-based program that consists of short sensory-based protocols that are administered daily by family members, caregivers, or by professionals in about 15 minutes.

Sensory Enrichment Therapy has been the subject of three studies so far. Two randomized control studies published in 2013 and 2015 looked at the effectiveness of this method as a therapy for children with autism and showed great results.

Another larger peer-reviewed study was published in 2016 and looks at the results of this therapy for 1,002 children aged 1 to 18 across a wider range of conditions.

These studies corroborate one another’s findings that Sensory Enrichment Therapy is particularly effective in alleviating a wide range of symptoms presented by developmental and neurological deficits, including:

  • Anxiety
  • Attention span
  • Communication skills
  • Eating
  • Learning skills
  • Memory
  • Mood and behavior
  • Motor skills
  • Self-awareness
  • Sensory processing
  • Sleep
  • Social skills

After this webinar we want you to be equipped with new tools to help your special person feel more comfortable and more confident thanks to strong neuroscience principles. The techniques we will teach you are simple.

If you have not tried Sensory Enrichment before, we promise you that you will be surprised by how big an impact it will have in such short time.

Our guest speaker Sarah speaks about her own experience in this video.

Webinar contents

A) 2 powerful generic sensory enrichment protocols

During this webinar we want to share with you 2 of our most powerful protocols that we have used with most of our clients.

Protocol #1 helps the brain regulate its chemistry and leads to both short term benefits in engagement, calm, focus and long term benefits as the brain learns to gradually produce and release naturally in response to appropriate triggers.

Protocol #2 helps increase flow of information between both sides of the brain to help the brain organize complex information and tasks, such as speech development, self-awareness and executive functions.

B) How to boost the effectiveness of Sensory Enrichment

B1) Coaching

Sensory Enrichment Therapy is a brain stimulation program. The best way to help your special person take better advantage of the enrichment activities is to help them engage with and enjoy these experiences as possible. This is why you need a therapy coach, someone with years of experience training hundreds of parents and sharing their tricks with you.

B2) Sensory Enriched Home

Another way to support brain development at home is to optimize the environment at home to allow the brain to do all the growing and re-wiring it needs to do so that they can sleep better, self-regulate more easily, feel more comfortable and more confident. We will share with you a few techniques you can use through the day to maximize the impact of the 10-minute therapy session you had.

How to Improve Quality of Life with Sensory Enrichment Therapy at Home

Date: Tuesday, 30th November
Time: 8 – 9 PM (Eastern)
Click here to check your timezone

About our Presenters

Kim Pomares

Kim Pomares - Mendability Social Media and Content Development Manager

Seeing the consistent success his mother was having treating people with neurological issues, Kim decided to find ways to make this new therapy available to as many families as possible.

The first step was to get the program evaluated in randomized controlled trials, which eventually happened at the University of California, Irvine.

The next step was to create a company and find investors to help support the development of a world-class online therapy platform that would allow families to customize their own therapy program.

Today, after helping over 3,000 families (in over 60 countries), Kim is helping schools pilot this program in their special education classes and helping substance use treatment centres pilot this program to support a more permanent and more comfortable recovery.

Fun fact: Kim has never, ever won a game of Mario Kart against any of his 5 kids…

Sarah Casburn

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