Enjoying mealtime as a family
An important factor to consider when it comes to your picky eater child is the mood.
An important factor to consider when it comes to your picky eater child is the mood.
We discuss: why the current way of teaching math is wrong from a neurological point of view, using the individual’s passion to teach math in an enjoyable context, applying math to reality to make sense out of it.
In this webinar, we will be going over the factors that affect sleep and some techniques to help ease the bedtime process.
2x free webinars about food sensitivities and mood around mealtime
8 early stages of natural speech for children, including autism: Eye contact, Spitting, Mouthing, Biting, Vocalizing, Imitating sounds, Mama, First word.
In this Webinar, our program director discusses ways of helping a low functioning brain to develop the tools they need to associate shapes of letters with sounds and meanings, etc.
Autism comes with several specific neurological differences that make learning about danger and looking right and left prior to crossing the street difficult. We will review these neurological differences and teach 4 techniques designed to compensate for the differences and stimulate brain plasticity to improve natural abilities and awareness.
Things you’ll learn: 1) Distance learning vs. In person learning. 2) The tools you need are not what you think. 3) Managing distractions