Tag: Sensory Overload

Tactile defensiveness: how to do sensory enriched touch?
Sensory Processing

Tactile defensiveness: how to do sensory enriched touch

In this article we will review strategies that help individuals with tactile defensiveness, as well as other sensory processing issues related to touch, so that they can also implement touch exercises, and reap the benefits of an increase in brain plasticity.

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5 Visual Processing Problems and Holiday Crowd Anxiety with autism

Five visual processing problems and crowd anxiety

Because of visual processing problems, crowded public places can easily overload individuals with autism, making them feel stressed and anxious, resulting in a meltdown. In today’s article we outline five of these aspects of visual processing that you may not have thought of.

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Understand your child’s behavior and fulfill their sensory needs

In this webinar, we will examine how each of the senses plays an active role in your loved one’s autistic behaviors; review current research showing how autistic symptoms may be linked to sensory processing problems; discuss an effective, evidence-based therapy that can reduce these sensory processing issues.

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Improve your brain by exploring new textures

Improve the brain’s processing of touch by exploring new textures

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