If You’re A Special Ed. Director Looking To Help Even The Most Disruptive, Dysregulated Kids Look Forward To Class Because It’s The One Place They Can Genuinely Calm Down And Deeply Focus…

We Should Talk

Hey there,

Kim Pomares here.

Kim Pomares

Not so long ago, a Special Ed. Director shared with me the big dream she has for her school.

She wants to create a child-centered, teacher-first learning environment… 

A supportive community where everyone – including parents – feels genuinely welcome.

Call it a home away from home…

Where the kids who struggle most find their place, blast past their learning goals, and thrive.

But with so many teachers feeling overworked and underappreciated…

And with huge demands on everyone’s time…

Making the dream work is easier said than done.

So, how do you square the circle?

How do you get happy, motivated teachers…

Kids who love class…

Who learn in leaps and bounds…

No matter how much they might disengage or struggle right now… 

And parents who are delighted by their children’s progress?

Special Ed. Directors And Teachers We’ve Spoken to All Over America Agree On The Best Way To Create A Happy Special Education Community… 

and paradoxically…

The fastest, easiest, and downright funnest way to create that nurturing environment is not by focusing on the group… 

It’s by helping the individual. 

The child.

Help struggling kids to thrive, and the game changes for everyone.

You’ll see the results for yourself in a moment. 

But first an important detail…

I invite you to consider a situation that probably sounds more like a dream than reality right now.

Imagine if your team had access to:

  • An entire range of 60-second, scientificallyvalidated neuroscience protocols…
  • Speech, writing, Fine and gross motor skills, social skills, and so much more…
  • Allowing teachers to ‘reach’ into a child’s brain and rewire the brain cells for growth…
  • Reliably press ‘pause’ on meltdowns, help kids with special needs calm down, re-engage, and focus…
  • With a scientifically-proven, clinically-validated way to help struggling kids to master new skills up to 6 times faster… 
  • In a classroom where kids quietly enjoy spending up to 40 minutes or even an hour completing activities they used to resist or reject…

Don’t get me wrong. 

Even If You Have All Of That… 
(And You Can)… 

Kids will still find class stressful sometimes.

They will still struggle to understand rules…

Still feel confused by activities…

And the list goes one.

But on the whole, everyone will be calmer… 

Everyone will be happier…

More and faster learning will take place…

Brains will develop at unheard of speeds…

Kids will participate and reach their learning and development goals…

The results will be noticed by teachers, parents, and the community… 

And to cap it all off… 

Your Teachers’ Days Will Get Easier

I’m sure you can imagine… 

How that will calm their stress levels a notch or three…

Help them decompress and recover…

So they have the energy to show up, give their best and work their magic without burning out.

But enough teasing. 

Let me show you what one of these brain-development neuroscience protocols looks like in reality. 

Here’s the story

One of the teachers who recently joined our sensory enrichment program, Amanda, has a dysregulated student named Jack. 

And Jack, as often happens, had his own way of doing things in class. 

Or not doing them, as was often the case.

No Matter What Activity Amanda Tried 
– Painting, Writing, Computer Work –
Jack Dug In His Heels And Refused To Join In With The Class


He’d get up from his chair, walk to a corner of the classroom, and lay down on the floor. 

No screaming. 

No shouting. 

And definitely no protesting. 

Pure silence. 

And no matter how Amanda tried…

Or how softly she spoke the words…

No amount of coaxing would persuade him to change his mind.

For Jack, there was no going back…

No getting up…

And definitely no re-engaging with the activity.

But while Amanda’s attention was elsewhere…

The class was on pause.

And because students can smell a teacher’s frustration in a heartbeat…

No matter how well the teacher might hope to hide their feelings…

The energy in the room would get… nervy



Crying out…

Kids getting down from their chairs…

Wanting to leave the room…

Shouting or whining… 

Or shouting even louder to drown out the noise other students were making… 

Hiding under their table to escape…

And If Amanda Didn’t Turn Around In Time, 
Some Poor Little One Would Have A Meltdown 
And Start Screaming 

P.E. was no better. 

For the entire 30 minutes, Jack would lay on the floor and refuse to move.

It’s so frustrating!

You want to be there for them…

Let them know you believe in them…

And help them to develop, grow, and learn.

All of which allows them to feel welcome, loved, and able to function in a chaotic world.

With that in mind, let’s skip to the fun part of our story. 

Amanda’s department joined the clinically- researched, scientifically- validated Mendability program for schools…

Which, so you know, comes with 3 months of hand-holding to make using the system fast, practical and easy…

Meaning it takes pressure and work AWAY from busy teachers so they can enjoy the classroom and get breakthrough results for their students.

Yes, I’m (very) biased.

After all, my family has put 30 years into researching, developing and testing these protocols. 

But luckily, judging by the reviews, our teachers are just as biased as I am. ;)

The Change In Jack’s Behavior Was Night And Day…

At the next P.E. session, Jack went and laid down by himself.

And on any other day, that would have been the end of his participation. 

But not today.

After a couple of minutes, the teachers coaxed him up and onto a bike.

He pedaled around the yard a few times with his classmates…

A huge win in itself… 

But the really cool part is what happened next.

Without any prompting or being asked… 

Jack walked out with the rest of the class, took his bike to the garage and put the bike away.

Amanda’s words: 

“It was pretty shocking.

His mom says he’ll get up and get dressed to come to school now.  (At school) He would not do the activities before using Mendability, but now he does them independently.

He knows these things but couldn’t concentrate enough to tell people what he knows.

From lying on the floor in silent protest… 

To getting dressed, going to school and doing his schoolwork by himself. 

It’s a genuinely life-changing before-and-after event. 

Now Jack’s engaged with class, Amanda’s free to work her magic. 

Her little guy’s learning will skyrocket. 

New connections will form in his brain as a result of the Mendability activities.

The same activities scientifically proven to help kids progress 6 times faster…

Gain up to 10 IQ points…

And even move one whole level up the ADOS scale. 

Jack’s ability to function in a world of noise, chaos, and conflict is much more assured. 

Instead of being silent… 

He might even tell mommy he loves her.

At a minimum, his homelife is almost guaranteed to be far more peaceful. 

Especially now mom no longer has to fret over getting him up, dressed, and out the door on time each morning while also getting herself and the rest of the family ready. 

And that’s just one student. 

On teacher. 

One family.

Mendability’s 500+ Brain-Developing Protocols Help All Your Struggling Students To Succeed:

  • Helps Students Progress 6X Times Faster… 
  • Increases IQ By As Much As 10 Points…
  • Moves 21% Of Kids Up One Whole Scale On The ADOS Scale…

But let’s bring this home.

Here’s what you can expect when implementing Mendability in your own classroom:

With 3 month’s support and coaching, you’re never alone

Our specialist team will visit your school…

Onboard your team…

Do live demos…

And hold your team’s hand through the entire process of getting the system up and running for a full 12 weeks. 

Your team will know which activities that will make the biggest impact on their class, how to use them, feel confident applying them. 

Unlike one of those generic programs that gets left on the shelf…

With our support and coaching, your team will find it easy and preferable to weave the Mendability activities into their teaching routine.

  • No special equipment required

    Everyday household objects are all it takes, and sometimes not even those.

Calm dysregulated students within seconds

The meltdown de-escalation protocol and the Mendability Minute are simple protocols with profound calming and focusing effects on the brain and nervous system.

And, as I’m sure you’ll agree, bringing calm and focus into the classroom is a crucial building block for successful teaching.

Pick from 500+ sensory activities covering the entire range of sensory therapy for school kids to rapidly develop kids’ brains

  • Calm and focus
  • Attention Span
  • Cross-brain communication flow
  • Speech development
  • Handwriting
  • Working memory
  • Body Awareness
  • Eye Scanning
  • Fine and gross motor skills
  • Problem Solving
  • Proprioception
  • Visualization
  • Social skills
  • The ‘Mendability Minute’ makes magic moments every day

    The Mendability Minute is a very special way to start each class that’s so calming…

    Has kids feeling so good…

    Teachers tell us their students now line up and walk to class without being told!

    Going on teacher feedback…

    Even your most inattentive students will tell you they love the Mendability Minute, ask to do it, and experience the reward. 

    And as for your teachers…

    They get to enjoy a much calmer classroom with students ready, willing and able to work.
  • 30 years of neuroscience research at your service

    Researched and created by our Chief Science Officer, neuroscientist Claudie Pomores, M.Sc., M.S.Ed., who first began her research in the 1990’s.

    Claudie is also my mom – helping struggling kids to thrive is our family mission :)

    And it looks like we’re onto something.

    Keep reading, and you’ll discover randomized controlled trials conducted by an independent research team at the University of California, Irvine.

    The results of the trial were genuinely astonishing, and validated a lifetime of work on the part of Claudie. 
  • You’re not teaching skills, you’re sending a message to the brain… 

    A message saying it’s okay to relax, come out to play and take part in life – perhaps for the first time ever.

    What we do is give you the key that unlocks your kids’ learning potential for life.
  • MRI machines show the way

    MRI scans show our activities create an increase of neurotransmitters, including serotonin and dopamine.

    These same neurotransmitters help stressed, overwhelmed or dysregulated kids to calm down within seconds…

    Focus for up to 40 minutes or even an hour…

    And when it clicks… 

    To do it all with a sense of flow, joy, and inner calm their brains quickly learn to crave more of.
  • Clinically proven, scientifically validated

There is zero guesswork in these 500 activities. 

Everything is based on proven and replicated studies.

Heck, even the scents we recommend are scientifically validated for their ability to quickly soothe fear, anxiety and stress by ‘talking’ to the amygdala deep within student’s brains.

  • Mendability bridges the ‘brain gap’ holding many special needs kids back 

It’s a little-known fact…

But the bridge between the two sides of the brain (corpus callosum) is narrower in most kids with learning difficulty and especially autism.

This stops the two parts of the brain from talking to each other effectively. 

Mendability exercises are proven to help bridge the gap to give kids better control of involuntary movement, speech, and more.

This is great for their growing brain and body… 

But on a social level, behavior ed teachers tell us they start to ‘blend in’ with their peers instead of sticking out like a sore thumb.

  • Mendability changes your students’ brain structure

A funny fact about the brain:

It doesn’t want to do anything energy intensive, especially hard-to-learn skills.

So it’s either lazy or energy efficient, depending on your point of view. 

But the Mendability reward system works almost like flicking a switch…

Shutting of ‘energy saving mode’ and speeding up learning and development by as much as 6 times when compared to control groups.

The way this works is by giving the brain an irresistible incentive to learn, recruit new brain cells, and develop while the child is still growing. 

The results can be impressive, as you can see for yourself below.

Clinically Validated, 

Scientifically Proven Results

In the 1990’s Claudie Pomares, MSc. MSEd., used the existing research on Environmental Enrichment to develop a program of Sensory Enrichment to help children with special needs.

After 20 years of consistent results, two randomized controlled trials, and an Intent to treat analysis of 1,002 children with autism have now been published validating Sensory Enrichment Therapy™ for autism.

The first randomized controlled trial at UCI

Certified and experienced professionals administered tests of cognitive performance and autism severity to both groups at the initiation of the study and after six months.

This study was published in 2013 and won the D.G. Marquis Award from the American Psychological Association.​

The Replication Study at UCI

In a second randomized clinical trial of this autism therapy, the University of California Irvine research team was able to replicate and expand on the results of the first study with twice as many children.

This study was published in 2015 in “Behavioral Neuroscience.”​

Go here to read a full breakdown of clinical data.

What Other Teachers And 

Special Ed Directors Say… 


“At the beginning of the year, there was a lot of tension throughout the day. But now, we can sit with them, enjoy their company, and build those relationships. Their learning has flourished!”

“I’ve Seen More Growth At This Point Than I Have The Last 2 Years. 

All My Students Now Know Their ABC’s … They Are Counting …They Are Doing Well!”

“The Teacher Was Flabbergasted… 

Saying ‘I Don’t Know What You Did With Him – Unbelievable.’”

Teachers And Kids Love Their Newfound 

Calm And Focus

“I have this student and he is a selective mute (like selective hearing)…

But now he is talking, doing things, and has the confidence to go to the bathroom. 

We are so proud of him. 

I can’t explain what’s happening but the only thing that’s different is mendability.”

“My students struggled with letter recognition, but Mendability’s sensory approach helped them remember and write confidently.”

“The Mendability Minute has made a difference for emotionally dysregulated students. 

They look forward to it, and I’ve seen a transformation in their ability to focus and learn.”

“Even my most inattentive students ask for calming activities. It’s made a lot of difference in our classroom environment.”

“When a frustrated student wanted to disengage, Mendability’s sensory approach brought him back to focus, and he persevered for 40 minutes!”

“I have a student who has been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder and also ADHD. 

So she’s very highly strung. She really struggles to focus and to sit. 

She’s always up and bouncing around. She said to me: ‘This is my favorite because I just feel so calm, and I just feel so good!’”

Book Your Free Online Demonstration

For a guided, no-obligation taste of Mendability’s clinically proven, scientifically validated program, here’s what to do:

Step 1: 

Choose The Length Of Your Free Training…

…30 Or 60 Minutes

Whether you select the 30-minute or the 60-minute format, we will train you and your Special Ed. team live on Zoom and take time to answer your questions.

That way, you can ensure the training can be applied in your unique classroom environment.

You can attend alone, or with your team. 

But given you will probably want your team to be onboard with your ideas, then it often makes sense to have everyone there so you can ‘take the temperature’ of the room. 

If you’re struggling for time, we suggest the 30-minute slot. 


While time is more precious than gold to Special Ed. teachers…

Especially as it allows them to ‘decompress’…

A single hour invested into this free training can pour an ocean of lost teaching time back into your budget. 

And that’s without mentioning the stress, frustration and downright misery you’ll help students, teachers and parents to avoid in the weeks, months and years to come…

As well as the profound brain changes that lead to faster learning and development.

Step 2: 

Select Your Preferred Topic…

‘meltdown Management’ Or ‘the Mendability Minute’

  • Meltdown Management will show you how to turn a meltdown into 40 minutes of concentration, within seconds and without talking.
  • The ‘Mendability Minute reveals how to welcome students in a soothing space and stimulate their brains for attention and learning.

Step 3: 

To Eat Or Not To Eat… 

Depending on the size of your team, we would be happy to have refreshments provided by a local provider. 

Food is usually a nice way to make the session memorable. :-)

So that’s all there is to it. 

Click the link below.

Pick your preferred time. 

And I look forward to meeting you and your team real soon.

Your friend,



Book Your Free Demonstration Here