
Treatment for intellectual disability and mental retardation

Does your child struggle with intellectual disabilities?

Overcome mental barriers to improve social interactions and life skills

We believe that you will see changes within the first TWO WEEKS of therapy.

We understand that your child may be experiencing the following challenges:

  • Tantrums and other behavior issues
  • Difficulty with problem-solving or logical thinking
  • Difficulty understanding social rules
  • Difficulty connecting actions with consequences
  • Slow to crawl, sit up or walk
  • Slow to potty train, dress or feed independently

See the difference Sensory Enrichment Therapy can make for your child’s cognitive abilities.

Explore and evaluate what Mendability has to offer

Autism Clinical Study of Sensory Enrichment Therapy

The sensory connection

Research has shown that like in many other neurological issues, sensory processing problems in the brain may be a common condition for children who struggle with intellectual and learning disabilities.

Brain plasticity

The good news is that the brain is like a muscle, the more you use it the better it does.

And just as a workout can help develop better muscle tone, exercising the sensory pathways in the brain can help the brain develop and increase cognitive and learning abilities.

Mendability’s in-home sensory exercise program is your child’s personalized sensory workout.

A workout for your child’s brain

Follow customized exercises to help your child overcome intellectual disabilities

Sensory Enrichment Therapy uses a safe multisensory approach to help children cope better with intellectual difficulties.

You’ll increase your child’s brain plasticity with daily exercises from the online program to improve logical thinking, communication and social interactions from home with simple touch, smell, temperature response, and balance exercises.

Parents have noticed improvements in overcoming intellectual delay:

  • Improvement in memory
  • Improvement in social skills
  • Better at problem-solving or thinking logically
  • Increased self-confidence at school
  • Better performance at school
  • Improvement in language and literacy skills
  • Gain in independent living skills

People from all walks of life are excited about what Mendability is doing to help their children overcome the symptoms of autism

“This is really working! My toddler has started using functional language!

His cognition has improved, his motor skills are getting way better, he is finally starting to climb and point and wave and able to copy signs.

He has been blossoming intensely, really catching up at a faster rate. Now we have SO much hope!

– Melissa M. (New Zealand) parent of a 3-year-old boy

“My daughter is considered high functioning but she was never very affectionate and really suffered with processing information.

Now she will come to me and put her head on my shoulder and tell me she loves me. And she will hug people in our family without being reminded. This might not seem like a big deal but for me and my family it is so wonderful. She also is understanding information well.

– Becca T. (Colorado) parent of a 5-year-old girl

“[My daughter] is high functioning with Asperger’s Syndrome, but her father and I knew she would never manage an independent life.

In June, after our dedicated attention to the exercises we were given, she did not meet a single criteria from the old DSM-IV that she was diagnosed under. Her goals now include leaving home to go to school and living her own life.

– Linda P. (Canada) parent of a 19-year-old girl

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