2 Sensory Enrichment techniques you can use at home today to help your child with developmental disorders

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Watch the latest Mendability Webinar - Sensory Enrichment Therapy for Autism

It takes roughly 20-25 minutes. When we send you the link, you can watch it at any time, on any device.

First I will show you a demo of the techniques with videos taken in real life settings, then I explain the science that underlines the protocols.

The techniques are short to do and simple to learn.

(One thing I don’t mention in the webinar, is that the fragrance can’t be subtle.)

Sensory Enrichment Technique that helps stop tantrums
Sensory Enrichment Technique that helps stop tantrums
Autism Therapy
Webinar Screenshot 4

About Sensory Enrichment Therapy

Parental assessment of autism behaviors with Sensory Enrichment Therapy
Parental assessment of autism behaviors with Sensory Enrichment Therapy

The Results Are:

  • A child who initiates more natural conversations
  • A child who is more comfortable in his own skin and the world around him
  • A child who can learn more confidently
  • More calm, more focus, more engagement
  • Deeper, less interrupted sleep
  • More interest in varied foods
  • Easier to cope with change and to transition

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2 Sensory Enrichment techniques you can use to help your child with autism relax during episodes of high anxiety and destructive behavior
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8 most important things the clinical studies teach us about Sensory Enrichment

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